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Idén először Európa Bajnokság az NAC-nál!

Írta: Vida Zoltán I Létrehozva: . I Kategória: Hírek

Idén először Európa Bajnokságot is rendeznek az NAC-nál!
Nem minden kategóriában, csak olyanokban, ami népszerű, vagy nem szerepel a világbajnokság programjában.
Íme, a részletes verseny kiírás:
  Auditorio Municipal “Leopoldo Peñarroja”
Pol.La Moleta
12600- Vall de Uxó (Castellón)
10,11,12 of june 2016

Please forward your team details, judge nominations, official entry form, flight numbers, arrival times etc. until june 1th 2016 to:

      Manuel Callau  Organitzer
              Virginia Ayllón Phone: (00) (34)- 648.51.15.57         
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Visa Requirements
Countries requiring visa clearance should contact the organization as soon as possible.

On arrival teams and officials must check in on friday june 10.06.16  at the official hotel. (Hotel Luz- Castellon)

The organizer will pay for two nights bed and breakfast for athletes and two officials for each country if they send 5 and more athletes. If the number of athletes is less than 5 the organizer will pay for only one official. If extra accommodation is required for officials, athletes, guests etc. please contact the organizer as soon as possible. The price for guests in doubleroom will be 170,00- for 2 nights/breakfast/ticket/transfer (per person) and must pay cash in Euro at the registration. Extra night will be € 35,- per person and extra charge for single-rooms € 35,- per night.

Competition fee will be € 50,- each athlete and paying by the registration

Check In Official Hotel:    Hotel “Luz”c/ Pintor Oliet, nº3 -(12006)
                Castellón- Spain

                        Linen Damage
Competitors must be cautious with tanning products at all times!!! The organizer asks the athletes/guests to use there own bed-linen and bath towels. Since we had many problems with the hotel the last time, all athletes/guests must leave a deposit of € 50,- per person at the hotel reception.
When leaving the hotel the organizer will check the rooms and will pay the deposit back if everything is okay.
Note: The hotel does not accept cheques or credit cards - only cash!!!

Security throughout the venue will be very strict. Everyone entering the complex will be required the correct ticket. NO unauthorized people will be allowed backstage. One backstage pass will be issued to each country, which can be used by only one designated official, named on your official team entry form.
The organization will not be responsible for loss or theft of valuables.

Presidents must submit the names of their photographers to the organization at the time of sending their team details. NO unauthorized photography or video recording will be permitted.

The transfer from/to the Valencia Airport on Friday 10.06.16 and departure day will be arranged by the organization if you send your arrival information on time

Friday, june 10.06.16 
1.00 pm – 8.00. pm    Hotel: athlete’s height/weight measurements, hand out music, collect information pack
10.00 pm          Hotel: Europe congress and Judge meeting

Saturday, june, 11.06.16
9:30 am        Judging will start promptly
5:00 pm        Evening Show will commence with ‘Parade of Nations’
            Presidents to assemble backstage with teams.

J U D G I N G   O R D E R
Miss Bikini Junior ( under and including 23 years) (year of birth)
Miss Bikini II (up and including to 1,65 cm)
Miss Bikini I (over 1,65 cm)
Miss Bikini Master + 40 years

Men Physique Junior (under and including 23 years) (year of birth)
Men Physique II (up and including 1,75 cm)
Men Physique I (over 1,75 cm)
Men Physique Master + 40 years.

Men Body Master + 60 years (Bodybuilding)

“Miss Bikini NAC Rules:
Athlets walk individually at first to the center of stage and perform the 4 quarter turns.
Then they walk to the left side of stage, stop and pose to the judges. At least they walk to the right side, stops and pose to the judges.
Finally all the athletes will be called on stage and they perform the 4 quarter turns.
Miss Bikini NAC Athlete is a proportional and female body with a nice and firm tone. An example of a fit lifestyle and a healthy nutrition. Whithout cellulite, but free from excessely muscle tone or separation. Miss Bikini must wear a nice hair, a correct make up and a nice skin color. He way she moves on stage must be elegant, but with confidence.
Line up:
All the athletes will be call on numerical order on stage. They stay on stage at front, with one hand on the hip and one leg moved to the side.
Very important: At the back pose, competitors do not incline the upper body forwards.
Judge head call groups of 10 athletes to perform the 4 quarter turns to judges.
Judges make the comparisons.
A versenyre a kvalifikáció a Bodysprort Kupán lesz, esetleges érdeklődést kérem írásban jelezni.
Vida Zoltán